Audrey Hiatt's Sales February 6, 2025

Now Sold – 17701 E Windsor Ct Greenacres WA 99016 – Audrey Hiatt, Spokane REALTOR

JUST SOLD: BIG CONGRATULATIONS to my amazing clients on the sale of their beautiful Morningside home! As a REALTOR® it is so rewarding to represent new clients and welcome them to Spokane. However, years later when it is time to represent them in the sale of that same home… although you are so happy for them and their new chapter, you realize that you will miss them! Here is to wishing you many exciting new memories in your new home and your new city. I could not be happier for you both, Cheers!

Audrey Hiatt works with all home buyers and sellers in achieving their real estate goals and consistently exceeding their expectations! Direct Cell/Text: (509) 714-9678 Windermere Valley/Liberty Lake Office (509) 928-1991

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