Audrey Hiatt's Sales March 4, 2025

Now Pending – 9709 E Grouse Mountain LN – Audrey Hiatt, Spokane REALTOR®

Now Pending: This awesome Northwest Mountain Modern build is now Pending! What’s not to love? 180 degree views, clean lines, a smaller minimalistic footprint with gorgeous privacy… Imagine accessing thousands of acres of land in the Dishman Hills Conservation Area from your property to nurture your nature. I could not be more excited, not only for my own amazing client, but also for the Buyer of this truly one of a kind property here in Spokane Valley WA.

Audrey Hiatt works with all home buyers and sellers in achieving their real estate goals and consistently exceeding their expectations! Direct Cell/Text: (509) 714-9678 Windermere Valley/Liberty Lake Office (509) 928-1991

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