Audrey Hiatt's Reviews February 6, 2025

Client Review – Audrey Hiatt, Spokane REALTOR

Catching Up On Posting Reviews From 2024… I Have The Most Fantastic Clients! A tremendous thank you to my wonderful client, it was such a pleasure working for you! As a 1st Time Home Buyer, the home buying process is exciting but can also become overwhelming. This is why I believe it is integral to build a team around my client, a team that will combat the challenges and celebrate the successes. Please know that your trust & confidence in my service means the world to me, that your review was very much appreciated and that it did not go unnoticed! Here is to wishing you many happy new memories throughout your next chapter. I could not be more excited for you! Cheers!

Audrey Hiatt works with all home buyers and sellers in achieving their real estate goals and consistently exceeding their expectations! Direct Cell/Text: (509) 714-9678 Windermere Valley/Liberty Lake Office (509) 928-1991

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Audrey Hiatt's Reviews February 6, 2025

Client Review – Audrey Hiatt, Spokane REALTOR

Client Review

A Big Gorgeous Thank You!! It was such a pleasure working for you two over the years and you will be missed. From purchasing your 1st home in Spokane to Selling your last home in Spokane, your trust & confidence in my service has meant the world to me. Please know that your review was very much appreciated and that it did not go unnoticed! Here is to wishing you many happy new memories throughout your next chapter (a chapter without snow). I could not be more excited for you! Cheers!

Audrey Hiatt works with all home buyers and sellers in achieving their real estate goals and consistently exceeding their expectations! Direct Cell/Text: (509) 714-9678 Windermere Valley/Liberty Lake Office (509) 928-1991

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Audrey Hiatt's Sales February 6, 2025

Now Sold – 17701 E Windsor Ct Greenacres WA 99016 – Audrey Hiatt, Spokane REALTOR

JUST SOLD: BIG CONGRATULATIONS to my amazing clients on the sale of their beautiful Morningside home! As a REALTOR® it is so rewarding to represent new clients and welcome them to Spokane. However, years later when it is time to represent them in the sale of that same home… although you are so happy for them and their new chapter, you realize that you will miss them! Here is to wishing you many exciting new memories in your new home and your new city. I could not be happier for you both, Cheers!

Audrey Hiatt works with all home buyers and sellers in achieving their real estate goals and consistently exceeding their expectations! Direct Cell/Text: (509) 714-9678 Windermere Valley/Liberty Lake Office (509) 928-1991

justsold soldspokanehomes homesforsalespokane spokanehomes spokanerealtor listingagentspokane spokanerealestate spokane spokanewa spokanevalley buyersagentspokane spokanewashington realestateagent homesforsale homeownership ForSaleProperties realtor homebuyer realestategoals sellyourhome sellersagent sellyourhomewithme

Audrey Hiatt's Sales February 6, 2025

Now Sold – 1822 N Jakeman Ct Greenacres WA 99016 – Audrey Hiatt, Spokane REALTOR

JUST SOLD: A Home Just In Time For Thanksgiving!! CONGRATULATIONS to my awesome client on the purchase of his 1st home (you know how much I love my 1st-time homebuyers…) Sometimes what you originally want in a house, turns out to not be what you need (and that’s OK). We started in one direction, took a turn and ended up finding the right one. Brand new crisp & clean modern construction, all 1 level, turn key, fully fenced low maintenance yard, electric car hook-up and all under 15 mins to work . Here is to wishing you many exciting new memories in your new home, I could not be happier for you, Cheers!

Audrey Hiatt works with all home buyers and sellers in achieving their real estate goals and consistently exceeding their expectations! Direct Cell/Text: (509) 714-9678 Windermere Valley/Liberty Lake Office (509) 928-1991

justsold soldspokanehomes homesforsalespokane spokanehomes spokanerealtor listingagentspokane spokanerealestate spokane spokanewa spokanevalley buyersagentspokane spokanewashington realestateagent homesforsale homeownership ForSaleProperties realtor homebuyer realestategoals sellyourhome hashtagsellersagent sellyourhomewithme