Audrey Hiatt's Sales February 4, 2022

5705 W Morgantown Ln – Just Sold

🔑 JUST SOLD 🔑 BIG BIG BIG CONGRATUALTIONS TO MY SUPER SWEET BUYERS!!! Thank you for your trust & confidence, it has been such a pleasure working for you and helping you find “the one.” Here is to wishing you many happy new memories and adventures in your new home and your new town🥂. #realestate #homesforsale #home #forsale #buyahome #realestategoals #buyersagent #realtor #homebuyers #sellinghomes Audrey Hiatt works with all home buyers and sellers in achieving their real estate goals and consistently exceeding their expectations! Direct Cell/Text: (509) 714-9678 Windermere Valley/Liberty Lake Office (509) 928-1991