Audrey Hiatt's Sales February 6, 2025

Now Sold – 1822 N Jakeman Ct Greenacres WA 99016 – Audrey Hiatt, Spokane REALTOR

JUST SOLD: A Home Just In Time For Thanksgiving!! CONGRATULATIONS to my awesome client on the purchase of his 1st home (you know how much I love my 1st-time homebuyers…) Sometimes what you originally want in a house, turns out to not be what you need (and that’s OK). We started in one direction, took a turn and ended up finding the right one. Brand new crisp & clean modern construction, all 1 level, turn key, fully fenced low maintenance yard, electric car hook-up and all under 15 mins to work . Here is to wishing you many exciting new memories in your new home, I could not be happier for you, Cheers!

Audrey Hiatt works with all home buyers and sellers in achieving their real estate goals and consistently exceeding their expectations! Direct Cell/Text: (509) 714-9678 Windermere Valley/Liberty Lake Office (509) 928-1991

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